Dragonfly Arts

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Art Therapy and the Therapist

Art Therapy and the Therapist

September 11, 2023

The Art Therapist

The art therapist’s or facilitator’s role during an Art Therapy Experience includes:

  1. providing a ‘safe place’ feeling during the session.

  2. providing a ‘non-judgmental’ space

  3. assuring confidentiality around the session.

The Session

During a session, the therapist encourages and helps the client feel relaxed and in the present moment. Deep breathing and/or a brief meditation is lead by the practitioner. Then art materials are introduced so the client has a chance to try the materials and feel comfortable with them. During the therapeutic part of the session, quiet is encouraged enabling the client to create in a thoughtful manner.

After the creation part of a session, the therapist will ask questions focused on what the client is working on. These questions are meant to draw further and deeper thought of the issue or problem facing the client. Finally the client is encouraged (but never demanded) to share anything that came to them. Discussion may occur and then the client is asked about their feelings and if anything else is on their mind. A session lasts about an hour.

What are your thoughts about an Art Therapy Experience? Would you like to try a session? If so, what might be an issue your are dealing with? Please comment in the space below. I would love to read your ideas and thoughts.

Have a thoughtful day!

