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Calming Breath for Stress Relief

Calming Breath for Stress Relief

June 19, 2023

Stress affects everyone.

Stress affects everyone. But calm breathing can release the stress and help maintain a healthy body. A conscious breathing pattern can be established.

Calming Breathing Exercise

  1. Lie on your back on the floor. Relax your arms beside your body, palms facing upward, with your legs loosely away from each other. (Or place a pillow under your knees to take any stress off your lower back.)

  2. Gently close your eyes, and take a few moments to settle your mind and body. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils.

  3. Practicing conscious breathwork, take a breath in for 3 counts and out for 6 counts. (Make the in and out breath comfortable for you.)

  4. Take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of three. Breathe it in all the way down to your stomach, allowing your stomach to expand with the breath.

  5. Hold the breath for as long as comfortable, say a count of two, then slowly breathe out for a count of six. (Shorter counts may be needed when you are just starting out.)

  6. Repeat this breathing pattern for three to five minutes and observe how your body and mind feel afterward. You may find that you feel more calm, peaceful, and relaxed.

Please share any ways that you relieve stress in your life. Valuable ideas help everyone!

Have a stress-free day!


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