Dragonfly Arts

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Gratitude: Finding Beauty in Everyday

How do we practice gratitude?

Every morning and evening I think of three things I am grateful for. They don’t have to be anything big. I often am grateful for a blue sky, a made bed, or time to look at a flower.

I also use the app Calm on my iPhone. I have not purchased the more extensive app. Instead, I get reminded in the evening to add what I am grateful for that day. It records what I add, and I can look back on it if I like.

Mindfulness focuses us on what is beautiful and good.

Kathryn Lovewell’s training program in Mindful Self-Compassion, encourages participants to look at everyday tasks in a new and different light.

She suggests picking an activity that you do every day. Keep it simple. Pay attention to your senses and really immerse yourself into the experience.


The benefits include physical, mental, and emotional health. Your mind becomes calmer, stress hormones are reduced, and your body relaxes.

When you focus on the here and now you let go of situations that are stressful and cause anxiety.

An activity

The following activity is similar to the article from my blog posts, entitled ‘Come to Your Senses’. We looked at how to use each sense to experience the world in a unique way.

  • Breathe — take three deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your


  • Feel

  • Observe

  • Smell

  • Taste

  • Listen

  • Breathe

You can find Kathryn Lovewell on YouTube and at https://www.kathrynlovewell.com

Have a beauty-filled day!


Dragonfly Books and Art