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Stretch Yourself

Stretch Yourself

October 6, 2022

Even though we think about stretching as a physical activity it can also affect your mental well-being. It keeps muscles flexible, strong, and healthy; maintaining joint mobility. Deeper, slower stretching calms the nervous system, and forces you to slow down. It switches off the fight-or-flight response.

Karen Stone, a wellness coach, who teaches yoga and relaxation, says, “A few stretches first thing in the morning helps ease into the day, just as a good stretch before bed is an aid to sleep.”

Stretching daily is ideal. Take a stretch to where you feel comfortable, focus on the breath out as you stretch, and only hold for 10 seconds.

Regular Stretching Can:

  • Increase mobility/range of movement

  • Reduce muscular tension

  • Enhance musular coordination

  • Improve posture and balance

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve energy levels

  • Stabilize joints

  • Increase circulation

  • Increase pace and agility

  • Alleviate lower back pain

  • Prevent arterial stiffness

  • Reduce the risk of injury

  • Reduce recovery time from an injury

Five Simple Stretches for the Morning

  1. Knees to chest. Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Rock slightly from side to side.

  2. Yoga stretch cat and dog. Place your knees and hands on the floor. Arch and round your back alternately as you breathe in and out.

  3. Feet circles. Sit with your feet stretched out in front of you with your big toes touching. Hands are placed on the floor behind you. Circle your feet two or three times in both directions.

  4. Lunge stretch. Stand in a lunge position with your right knee bent, right foot on the floor, and your left leg extended behind. Your left knee is placed on the floor or cushion. Breathe out and return to neutral. Repeat on the other side, two or three times each.

  5. Head and shoulder stretch. Sit in a chair with your back straight and slowly ease your head forward and down. Breathe out. Return to the upright position as you breathe in. Then turn your head to the right, profile position, and breathe out. Breathe in as you bring your head back to center and repeat on the left side. Shoulder: Gently bring your shoulders forward, up, and back as you breathe out. Reverse the motion and repeat the whole sequence on the other side. Stretch each side two or three times.

These stretches should take about 15 minutes. Your mobility and joints will feel amazing, and you will be ready for the day!

Have an energizing day!


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