Dragonfly Arts

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Working with Stress and Pain

Working with Stress and Pain

December 13,2022

A Short Practice for Working with Stress and Pain

  • Find a focal point in your room or outside; perhaps a wall, a tree, a chair. Set the intention to return to this point if you experience disorientation. Allow your attention to gently rest with this point of seeing. Know that you are seeing.

  • Count to ten, starting with one and returning to one after you reach ten. Allow the counting to ease you a little more into the moment. If you feel comfortable, say the numbers out loud, allowing your attention to rest with the sound of your voice.

  • Notice your body in the room and the space it takes up. Allow your body to be your anchor as your weight drops more into the space.

  • From here you can decide what you need to do next, whether starting again with this practice or moving on to whatever is needed next.

This short exercise helps to bring you back to your center. It calms your body and your thoughts so you can more easily face the situation in front of you and deal with it.

Have a stress-free day?


Dragonfly Books and Art

Practice taken from The Mindfulness Toolkit, August 1, 2022.