Come to Your Senses!


August 10, 2022

Another sense-touch.
Vision is an important sense.

Come to your senses!

Our five senses can provide positive opportunities to improve well-being. Without spending hours at a time these excisions into our senses can contribute to our mental and physical health. Usually it’s the smells, the sights, the colors, and the noises that we remember.

It takes only seconds to notice the messages our senses are sending us. In contrast, we receive hours, and even days, of vivid memories, in which we enjoy the richness of life


How we experience our five senses!

Let’s look at each of the five senses and see how we can experience the world in unique ways.

  1. Vision: Light exposure leads to better sleep and increases vitamin D. Different colors can becalming or energizing.

  2. Hearing: Communication is good for mental health. Music can lift the mood, induce relaxation, and make you move. White noise calms the nervous system.

  3. Smell: The smell of cooking triggers enzyme production and contributes to healthy digestion. Certain scents improve mood. Smell optimizes taste.

  4. Taste: Taste adds novelty and variety to everyday. Eating also encourages links with others.

  5. Touch: Touch is a direct way to connect with family, friends, and the surrounding environment.


Create ways to indulge your senses

  1. Seek out scent. Scent induces memories.

  2. Take a cold shower. This benefits the nervous system and mental health.

  3. Embrace inclement weather. Rain can calm your anxious mind by providing white noise.

  4. Try qigong. This Chinese practice focuses on breathing, balance, and coordination.

  5. Treat your taste buds to novelty. Try new recipes on line.

  6. Go off the beaten track. Walking on natural terrain provides a meditative quality because it is difficult to think about anything else when walking on uneven ground. It also challenges the muscles and joints.

  7. Self-massage. It feels good.

  8. Just gaze. Look at a spot in the distance and let your eyes relax. Give yourself permission to daydream.

  9. Create your own sensory journey at home. Choose plants for texture, color, and scent. Make the most out of color to enhance your mood. Dedicate a special spot for peace, calm, and relaxation. Pick fabrics that feel soft and tactile against your skin. Use herbs and spices for your taste buds.


Some of these ideas take more time, but they are valuable activities that add to a positive outlook in life and a sense of well-being. Allowing your senses to experience your everyday life contributes to better physical and mental health.


Please share your ideas about using your five senses in the comments below! I love to hear your thoughts and ideas!


Have an enliving day!


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