I Don't Have Time! Exploring Possibilities

I don’t have time!  Exploring Possibilities

July 1, 2022

Walking as self-care

I love to walk.  I walk for exercise and I especially walk to be outside.  For me it does not matter what the weather is like:  I walk in the rain, in the snow, in the cold, and when it is hot.  Sometimes I walk slowly and other time I walk at a brisk pace trying to set a new personal best.

So what’s the point? What does this have to do with taking care of yourself?  The obvious answer is exercise, but if we’re talking about self-care it goes deeper than that.


Wanderlust:  A History of Walking

I read Wanderlust: A History of Walking by Rebecca Solnit.  Solnit talks about how technology has made us more efficient, while at the same time eradicating free time.  In this age of technology we are maximizing the time for production and minimizing travel time.  We find more time to work but less time for leisure.  She writes “.... leisure is shrinking and being crushed under the anxiety to produce ……”  (p.12)


The Monster

Time is the big monster that interferes with daily life.  “I don’t have time for that.”,  “When do I fit that in?”,  “I’m too tired.”,  are all comments we say to ourselves.  

In The Mindfulness Journal: The Ultimate Guide to Well-Being, Hallie Levine writes an article entitled ‘Finding More Me Time’.  Her idea of ‘me time’ is the fix for ever expanding demands on our time.  Our alone time relieves tension, helps us escape sensory overload, and helps us become more aware of self.  We acquire a more positive outlook on life.

So how do we handle the monster?

  1. Schedule alone time in your phone or planner.  It can make you more productive knowing you have something to look forward  to.  (Even if it is only a couple times a week.)

  2. Give up or delegate responsibilities.  Teach the kids to do some of the household jobs.

  3. Put yourself on a strict social media and email diet.  Put your phone away when you need to concentrate on a task.  You are more efficient and can get things done faster.

  4. TV does not make you happy.  Activities that hold our attention, like reading or yoga, make us happy.  (Especially if we can get the whole family involved.)

Start with five minutes.  Sit down and connect with yourself.


Have a wonderful day!


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